Genymotion emulator with Google play services

This will be a quick one, a simple write up of how I got play-services to work in an emulator. This can serve as a future reference to myself, and hopefully help someone else!

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Drawing images with Piccolino

If you haven’t already, check out my getting started with Piccolino post. This post follows on from there, and outlines how to convert a Bitmap image, and display it on the Piccolino.

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Getting Started With Piccolino

I was recently given a Piccolino and development board. I had little idea of how to set it up, or how to get started. Now that I have worked some of these things out I thought I would share a guide, and hopefully make life easier for others.

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Failing Early

An idea is rarely as good as initially imagined. In order for the idea to become interesting and valuable it must be molded and shaped until it fits its purpose.

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Lessons on version numbers

I recently learned a lesson on the the importance of having a sensible versioning scheme in Android.

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